Sunday, March 18, 2007

Explanation Writing

Explanation writing is used to explain how something works, to explain events and issues or to give reasons why something occurs the way it does.

1. General Statement
On the topic or process being explained
2. Explanation
How and Why
-Points are presented in order. Each point or statement presents reasons for how and why something works or occurs the way it does.
3. Conclusions
The writer gives the final explanation.

-Written in the present tense, e.g. are, happens
-The language is generalised, e.g. we talk about classes of things rather than individual things (mountains, etc.)
-Action verbs are used to explain the subject
-Cause and effect relationships, e.g. if - then - so - as a consequence
-Uses technical terms used in the subject
-Time relationships, e.g. first, then, following, finally
-Abstract verbs and nouns (those that cannot be seen touched or heard)

EXAMPLE: How Cats Keep Clean

When cats get dirty they get clean by licking themselves. If their head is dirty, they lick their paw and then rub their head with it. They do this after they have had something to eat. Cats are very clean animals.

Now it's your turn, give it a try!


Anonymous said...

Thak you to gave useful information for me.
I could write of the explanation very well.

Anonymous said...

thanks help me with my homework

Pranika said...

wow that is an excellent understanding...
Well Done!!!
That really helps with homework ect.


Anonymous said...

thank you so much it helped me through my homework really well! :) god bless

eden said...

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Anonymous said...

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thank u choose peace!!!